Breastfeed mum Chiropractor OxleyAs caring chiropractors that work primarily in paediatrics and with pregnant mothers, we offer gentle and specific treatments. All adjustments are at finger-tip pressure – the pressure you would use to test a ripe tomato.

Babies and Children

Sally has completed post-graduate study that focused on babies and children. 

Sally is part of the Well Kids Program and takes a thorough history at each visit to assess changes in development as well as to monitor progress. Well Kids was developed by an Australian Chiropractor, Dr Jacey Pryjma. Sally uses this program to foster a close working relationship with families to provide clear health goals and chiropractic care plans based on the latest research available.

Our approach to paediatric care includes monitoring physical growth (height and weight) and developmental (physical and neurological) milestones at each visit. Over time this helps to measure improvement and progress, and for Sally to adjust the care plan appropriately.

Dr Sally has attended professional development events related to tongue and lip tie and the potential problems associated with these conditions, such as difficulty with breast feeding. Dr Sally consults with lactation consultants if she feels a child may benefit from referral to a paediatric dentist.


Many musculoskeletal changes occur during pregnancy and chiropractic care can assist with any associated musculoskeletal discomfort. 

Pregnant backpain Chiropractor Oxley

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